PreReg: Deviation Template

This template is designed to assist you in documenting and reporting deviations from your preregistration.

Please note that deviations from preregistered plans are quite normal. For example, they may occur due to discovered mistakes, newly acquired knowledge, or unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, deviating from the preregistration can help improve the quality of the study. However, it is crucial to report all deviations transparently so that the study results can be accurately interpreted.

Please use the listed items to disclose and justify all deviations transparently.

Step 1: Complete the deviation protocol in this App.

Step 2: Export your deviation protocol as PDF.

Step 3: Submit your PDF to PsychArchives . Select the collection "other" and link it to your preregistration.

IMPORTANT: Save your progress once in a while by clicking the download button that you will see on the left.

In addition to the file format you selected, a .rds file will be downloaded. This is the most important file because it can be uploaded again later in the app to resume working on your deviation protocol.

To begin, switch from Instructions to Template in the drop-down menu on the upper left.

Save your current state:

Import previous state (.rds file):
Export your answers: